As an Social Development and Agriculture professional with 8 years of experience, I derive my energy and passion from developing successful agribusiness entrepreneurs. I have worked with different organizations for gathering knowledge, aptitudes, communication, and leadership on managing front line staffs. I have proved to be a successful key member of the implementing team resulting in a strong impact on people through strength in Relationship Building, Strategic Management, Learning & Development, Performance Management, Technical Coaching and Materials Documentation.
Any organizational challenge excites me! I thrive in an environment that is results-driven, and dynamic, where employee success, achievement, collaboration, and agility are high valued.
In Helen Keller International (HK) Nepal from 13th August 2023 to 30th Sept 2023 for accomplishment of no cost extension activities for the implementation of USAID funded SUAAHARA II related activities as per DIP workplan at Achham and Bajura Districts. Provide technical assistance to enhance the capacity of government stakeholders (Province, Municipality) and PNGO on nutrition sensitive agriculture programming and implementation. Advocate to leverage local government resources for improved access to agriculture inputs through coordination/monitoring visits, meeting on reinforcing sectoral program budget in lace including subsidized agriculture inputs such as seeds and fertilizer, gender friendly CSA technologies with a focus on reaching women farmers in marginalized communities. Provide on-site coaching and mentoring support to communities including VMF, HFPGB group members, 1000 days family’s member, FCHV and Peer Facilitators for the adoption of good agricultural practices (GAP) with a focus on kitchen gardening, backyard poultry rearing including CSA practices to promote resilient production of nutritious food prioritizing the linkage with private sectors providers, cooperatives, and local government resources. Coordinate and work closely with the program implementation team to update activity progress against workplan.
In Helen Keller International (HKI) Nepal from 7th Nov 2022 to 30th May, 2023 for accomplishment of cost extension activities for the implementation of USAID funded SUAAHARA II related activities at Achham and Bajura Districts for technical assistance to PNGOs team and provide coordination at Provincial Office of Agriculture Development Office, Livestock Hospital and Livestock Service Office, Health Office and Municipal Stakeholders and line agencies. Provides service in the project districts to ensure their support for the implementation of activities and manage field level activities and update and report preparation and final learning and sharing at each Municipality and provide technical assistance for implementation at community level. Work out in close combination of market agents for strengthening the network of marketing mechanism and co-ordination with enhancing the value chain of especially homestead food production. Overall handling of PNGO as donor agency representative and key role for decision making and financial management and field level tracking in response to health, nutrition, agriculture, WASH, governance, PPP, GESI perspectives.
In Vijaya Development Resource Center (VDRC) Nepal from 7th September, 2017 to September 30, 2022 for smooth exertion to district team for the implementation of USAID funded SUAAHARA II related activities focusing on farm production to marketing pathway for income generation. Develop collaborative relations with EDPs and RM/UM for creation of different marketing channel and system development and partnership management in course of PPP model for growing network of associated reciprocal linkage. Enhance in capacity building of project and partner NGO staffs and village model farmers, local resource person, Homestead food production beneficiary groups, FCHV regarding adopting new agriculture technology, nutrition sensitive agriculture, CSA, post-harvesting handling, packaging and marketing with high added value and sustainable nutrition security of 1000 days' mothers and adolescent through intervention of agriculture practices.
Develop detailed implementation plans (monthly, quarterly and annual) of the project. Coordinate different likeminded organization and district level stakeholders for effective and efficiency implementation of all activities coded on program. Supervise and monitor implementation of projects to ensure quality and timely delivery of project outputs. Mobilize beneficiaries and other project participants/ stakeholders in an intervention as per need. Handle the day-to-day issues related to staffs and community so as to implement the programs efficiently. Build capacity of technical and other project staff, partners, and stakeholders to foster market system upgrading. Proven ability to develop business plan, livelihood analysis, policy analysis on cooperatives and livelihood sector. Provide people with skills to identify, predict, prevent and solve environmental problems and to make them capable of utilizing limited resources in a sustainable way and of coping
with unexpected vulnerabilities.
Overall program effectiveness through coordination and implementation at field & distinct level stakeholders. Strong coordinate with district level stakeholders such as the DLSO, DADO, DFO, DHO, DCO, ADB, CCI and I/NGOs for the successful and sustainable activities of the project. Good coordinate with micro finance and development bank for saving credit of farmers group. Ensure continuous supervision, monitoring and conducted group meetings with the stakeholders. Proactively participation project planning meetings and meetings with relevant stakeholders. Prepare and submits the monthly, quarterly and annual plan and progress report to donor. Organized the different training for Leader farmers, LRP, golden thousand women, Cooperative and saving group, Goat, spice and vegetable group, Mother groups, livestock farmers. Mobilize project staff and local level resource person for value chain develop in agriculture related activities. Prepared market plan and business plan develop of small enterprises for increasing farmer's income.
Provide people with skills to identify, predict, prevent and solve environmental problems and to make them capable of utilizing limited resources in a sustainable way and of coping
with unexpected vulnerabilities. Ensure continuous supervision and monitoring of the tasks assigned to the community Mobilizes. Organized regular group meetings of the stakeholders in sharing their experiences, learning. Proactively participation project planning meetings and meetings with relevant stakeholders. Prepare and submits the monthly, quarterly and annual project plan and progress report to the donor. Organized the different training for Leader farmers, Cooperative and saving group, Mothers Group, livestock farmers.
1. Rojee Suwal
Director, Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Suaahara-II Program
HKI - Kathmandu
Phone No. 9851120843
2. Bhim Nath Acharya
Homestead Food Production & Marketing Specialist
Suaahara II Central Office
VDRC- Gaidakot Nawalparishi
Phone No. 9851144312
I hereby, undersigned below, certified to my best belief and knowledge that the entries in my curriculum vitae describes my working experiences, my qualification and I correctly. And I understand that any willful misstatement may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if employed.